My name is Annabel or Bella for short. I’m 27 years old. My diagnosis came when I was 21 years old following participation in the DDD study in the UK.
My favourite activity is using my iPad. I like it because I have control and can watch the best bits of videos over and over again. As well as watching children’s videos eg The Doodlebops on my iPad, I like games especially any that are to do with words, letters and cookery. I also listen to CDs. Usually the same bit of a song repeatedly.
I have resided at a residential college for ASD and behavioural difficulties for the past 8 years despite the course being intended for a maximum of 3. I love lessons and am known as the keenest student at the college. I am due to move into a lovely supported living flat near my family this summer.
I love horse riding, swimming, 3-wheeled cycling, arts & crafts and cooking. I don’t like certain noises like babies, sneezes, coughs etc. I don’t enjoy eating with others or being in close proximity to others for very long. I like to know what’s happening next, or tomorrow and gain comfort from knowing that even if there’s challenges for me, I will return to my own bedroom and play iPad eventually.
Despite being differently abled to most people, I am happy and am shown loads of kindness and encouragement from the staff that support me 1:1 and 2:1 when outside and so my parents are able to enjoy their lives knowing I’m well looked after and popular..
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