Thomas lives in Glasgow, Scotland. Thomas has 2 younger brothers and they both have a beautiful and unique relationship with Thomas.
Thomas was born almost full term by c-section because he was breech. He was perfect.
At 1st there was no obvious problems with Thomas. He was the happiest baby, never cried, we thought we'd hit the jackpot. Then as the months and weeks passed we notice Thomas wasn't reaching milestone (other babies at the same age where Miles ahead)
We weren't worried, he was our 1st and everyone kept saying boys are just slower. As time when on we did start to worry because he couldn't sit up unaid, he was 9 months but still needed pillows or cushions around him. We then started to notice that his eye used to roll and he would blink alot again not overly concerned. He used to Babble and could say ma ma and da da By 11 development centre and specialist services. The consultant there then referred us to neurology. On our 1st apt Thomas had a EEG and we where told the eye rolling was seizure activity and Thomas was diagnosed with epilepsy 2008. Out next few months and years Thomas had undergone lots of genetic testing, mri scans had a lumbar puncture, blood test it was pretty awful. Still no answers as to what was causing Thomas issues.
Thomas is an extremely social boy
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